Ben Hedberg, MC, LPC, BBC
A Licensed, Experienced, and Professional Counselor Who Cares and Can Help!

Need Help? Listed below is an extensive list of crisis hotlines, Arizona and National resources, state benefits/employment, mental health/substance abuse help, legal assistance, families and school assistance, book references, support groups of all kinds, parenting & adolescent resources, and a variety of links to other services to help you or your family.
Crisis Support & Resources (Phone)
Empact Crisis Line: (480) 784-1500
Maricopa County Crisis Line: (602) 222-9444
Teen Life Line: (602) 248-8336
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
Runaway Help: (800) 621-4000
Child Protective Services (CPS): (602) 530-1800
Banner Behavioral Health: (602) 254-4357
Tumbleweed Shelter for Teens: (602) 271-9904
Juvenile Court Center (MCJCC): (602) 506-4210
Department of Public Safety (DPS): (602) 223-2000
Department of Economic Security (DES): (602) 542-9935
Arizona Health Care System (AHCCCS): (602) 417-4000
Lawyer Referral Service (602) 257-4434
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): (602) 264-1341
Cocaine Anonymous (CA): (602) 279-3838
Narcotics Anonymous (NA): (480) 897-4636
Al-Anon/Al-Ateen: (602) 249-1257

Emergency Services (phone)
- Emergency: 9-1-1.
- Domestic Violence: 480-890-3039
- Child Abuse or neglect? 1-888-767-2445
- Vulnerable Adult Abuse or neglect: 1-877-767-2385

It is during the difficult times in life that we have the opportunity to grow the most.
Mental Health (Links)
Medline Plus -National Library of Medicine & National Institutes of Health (Provides variety of medical and pharmaceutical resources.)
Mental Illness and the Family: Recognizing Warning Signs and How to Cope
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (Provides resources for support groups and treatment options.)
National Resource Center for ADHD
Anxiety & Depressive Disorders (Links)
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Freedom From Fear
Parenting and Adolescent Resources (Links)
Suggested Reading List for Adolescents, Parents and Behavioral Health Providers
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Resource Center
ParentingAdolescents.com (Access to extended responses to questions about parenting teens and preteens. Teens and preteens can also get information to help them understand parents.)
Resources on Trauma for Caregivers and Families (Resources to help caregivers and families understand trauma and its impact.)
Other Resources (Links)